Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

I am greatly disappointed in your decision to help the world abort
unborn babies. I do remember during your campaign that you
pledged your support to "Planned Parenthood." What I don't
understand is what rule/law gives you the right to sign an
executive order to use my tax dollars for your special interests?
Please explain that to Americans who believe change is needed,
but not the way you are going about it by killing millions more

My husband and I pray daily for God to send someone to find
a cure for Cancer. Then I recall the bloody scourge against
our unborn babies in American and I say to myself, "Maybe
God did send someone to find a cure for cancer and people
like our president allowed them to be aborted." Does anyone
in your family have cancer or altzheimers or AIDS or some
other serious incurable disease? Wouldn't you like to give
God a chance to help us by providing a solution to this problem?

The leftists cry out for the rights of women to choose life or
murder by abortion, but the unborn child has no voice.
Who will cry out for his rights? Women do have a choice
and they make that choice when they decide to be a
consenting partner in the sexual act. As I understand it,
your mother was deserted and left alone. What if she had
chosen to have an abortion? Then this great moment in
history would not have happened with you as our president.

You say you know Jesus, but I am trying hard to understand
what you mean by that. What I am seeing is that you are
a part of the anti-God movement in America. Please, please
don't do this to America, Mr. President. And please don't
use my hard earned money to kill more babies.

In the future, please keep in mind that the unborn child
is precious in the sight of God and that it is wrong to take
an innocent life. If you do believe in Jesus, say so. The
Bible says, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." (Ps. 107:2)
Let's hear it from you, President Obama--in word and in deed.
Join your voice with mine and millions of others who are crying
out for the rights of the unborn child.

Thank you for allowing me to e-mail you and express my
concerns about this matter.

Desiring a better America with all my heart,
Ann S. Knowles
Freelance Writer, Editor, Speaker

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